Jaya Krsna Das & Anuradha Cheat Venkatachalapati’s parents - Fool the public


Dear friends,

Recently we all saw an email being circulated by Lokanatha Swami thanking Sri Vijay Reddy Garu (Vijay Keshava Das) living in Texas for helping Venkatachalapati's parents financially. It was indeed a very significant seva to help needy parents of a poor devotee. Venkatachalapati was the only son and his parents were dependent on his income. We would like to wholeheartedly thank all the donors who donated to Sri Vijay Reddy garu's fundraiser on GoFundMe Campaign. It's an amazing feat showing how much people cared for Venkatchalpati that they helped his poor parents after he was gone from this world. Our friends showed the letter and read out the same to Venkat's parents and they cried profusely and thanked everyone for helping them.


At the same time we investigated New Vrindaban’s contribution to the fund and we learned that it was nil. Jay Krishna and Anuradha are pure demons, although the Eco-V and ISKCON New Vrinaban’s bank is filled up to the brim they didn’t contribute even one penny to Venkatachalapati. They were eager to make a fake show of his last rights especially Gopisa, who always puts up a nice show of Naransiha arati screaming. It's like Srila Prabhupada said when materialists chant Hare Krishna as a performance their mantra is heard as “Give me money, Give me money”. That’s what they are, simply make shows for name fame and money.


Venkatachapati’s parents have been duped neck and crop. Anuradha who reportedly said to someone in the New Vrindaban village meeting “Hey guys, We have to move on, Venkat is dead '' was eager to report the Go Fund Me Fundraising. She and Venkat's wife Madhavakanti tried to stop the fundraiser and tried to claim that the money belonged to her and she should be the beneficiary and not the parents, however the organizers were smart enough to know that if the temple got those funds Jay Krishna and Gopisa would eat it up like chocolate. All of Venkat's savings money went to his wife who is busy on a shopping spree after Venkat is gone. It's very difficult to understand how a woman can have no remorse on her husband's death and simply decked up all the time shopping with his money. Reportedly Venkat had more than $45,000 in the bank which all the money went to his wife and NOTHING went to his parents. The organizers of the go-fund me came to know of this game by Jay Krishna and just handed over all the funds to his parents by doing a fixed deposit in their account so that the parents benefit.

On the other hand, Jay Krishna and his wife were in touch with Venkats family and promised then that New Vrindaban would help them financially but later backed out to give even a dime to the parents knowing that more than $54K was collected for the parents. They were furious as they felt that the money that was collected was New Vrindaban's money as it was from supporters of New Vrindaban. Only a shameless person would have that kind of crazy mentality.

Anuradha’s dirty game might give her a new house in New Vrindaban, but it will never give them peaceful sleep. The New Vrindaban board has reportedly sold prime piece of land to Jay Krishna and Anuradha located adjacent to Rupanuga Das's property across from Nityodita and Radha's house at a throw away price and reportedly Gopisa the conman is the one who sanctioned it and made it happen. That piece of land was supposed to be bought by Vrindavan Das & Namakirti Dasi at the regular market price but later they were told that the price of the said land is thrice or four times more than what they were supposed to buy it for. Apparently Gopisa got his friends to appraise the piece of land to premium rate so that Vrindavan can't buy it and then reportedly sold that piece of land for much lesser price to Jay Krishna and Anuradha then what it was offered to Vrindavan Das. These facts were verified by the residents of New Vrindaban community who wrote to us to let us know about the whole matter. What a abuse of power !

Those who didn’t help Venkat’s crying parents and who are hanging onto power to eat off all public money at such an old age are building a palatial house in New Vrindaban. Swami Kirtananda also built one, Rest is history.


We demand that Venkat’s parents be given the promised financial help by New Vrindaban temple.

We continue to demand investigation in the matter and revisit our demand for #justiceforvenkat
