Shocking: Jaya Krsna Das, Anuradha & Anuttama's next deceptive move

Dear Friends,


It breaks our heart to see what Jaya Krsna Das, Anuradha Dasi, Gopisa Dasa, Anuttama Dasa - the GBC and New Vrindaban Board are doing now to completely whitewash Venkatachalapatis death.


1.     Spreading more and more lies about Venkat to show themselves holy


Firstly they are going around the community and donors saying that Venkat deserved to die because of what he did without providing any proof and posting a bunch of lies on New Vrindaban Facebook about his death. They are ready to do anything as long as they can hide the truth and keep the money flowing from the Indian donors coming that too in the false names of the cow. The poor cows never end up getting the care and facility for which they ask the money for.

Jaya krsna Das conveniently forgot that he married a cunning and voodoo practitioner lady at the age of 65 and ruthlessly hanging on to power with the assistance of his new found cunning wife Anuradha Dasi who likes playing with devotees life and Venkata Chalapati who happened to be their latest victim of about 100 devotees that left New Vrindaban and whose lives were ruined under Jaya Krsnas leadership. This mystery was revealed after we got hold of a letter from Gaura Shakti das ACBSP who compiled this list of the devotees that left New Vrindaban and complained it to the GBC. The hopeless GBCs Anuttama and Tamohar just ignored it in the past and today because of that Venakata Chalapati is dead. The GBC who is the highest authority in ISKCON has gone awry and going to all lengths to cover this death up.


2. Fake resignation drama coming up.


Secondly under pressure from the donors and the New Vrindaban Village association Jaya Krsna Das, Anuradha, Gopisa and Anuttama are throwing a new spin to the whole tale. They are trying a tried and tested formula of “Fake Resignation” and gaining sympathy votes. Yesterday there was an ad put out by the temple management for a new President of New Vrindaban. This was not posted by the so-called GBC of New Vrindaban on any official communication channels but they used a devotee named Justin Polsinelli to announce it on New Vrindaban Village Connect. Upon accessing the post by some of our friends in New Vrindaban we were shocked to read some comments that community members wrote there. One of the comments by a devotee named Tattvadarsana Dasa asked "We've missed the most IMPORTANT question. Who are the selectors in deciding who the President will be?" Tattvadarsadana Das further writes that " .... should be a community decision " Another devotee Devala Das writes "Srila Prabhupad wrote in his "Direction of management" This: Temple presidents are to be elected by the congregations of the individual temples and the GBC would have practically no AUTHORITY over the individual temples. What are we missing? These are Srila Prabhupads words on the topic".

Let's make it easy for our readers to know who really are the selectors of this New President scheme. The selectors are Mr. Anuttama Das - the GBC, Jay Krishna Das - the current tainted temple president and Dayavira Das - one of the ISKCON New Vrindaban board members who is a namesake board member. The 2 selectors are the people who hardly come to New Vrindaban twice or thrice in 6 months to just attend meetings and enjoy vacation and location of New Vrindaban and the third member is our own outgoing president Mr. Jaya Krishna Das who is accused of all the mess. Can you all imagine that this same Jay Krishna das is accused of being racist, mismanaging and responsible for all the mess happening right now in New Vrindaban and yet he is the one who gets to decide who will be the next temple president. Gimme a break. Sounds really fishy ! Is the community even consulted? Why not give the community members a chance to choose their own president. Its loud and clear message to the community members that they (management) don't care for their (community) views and they will do whatever they want as long as they are in power.

The New Vrindaban management wants to show that Jay Krsna Das has resigned (no proof of resignation posted anywhere) and a new person will take over soon. This is however a trick which has been used before. In July 2018 Jaya Krsna Das had so called resigned. Little did anyone know that this plot was masterminded by Anuradha Dasi, who is the queen of deception and lies. The whole plan was to install new people and make sure that they fail, although they did well. This plot was revealed by Jaya Rama Dasa (Josef Lauber) who happens to be a cousin of Jaya Krsna Dasa. He was selected as one of the directors when Jaya Krsna so called resigned. After he joined as one of the directors along with Chitranga Chaitanya Das & Maha Sundar Das, Jaya Rama revealed that it was a set up by Gopisa, Jay Krsna and Anuradha. Anuradha Dasi is drawing a huge salary in the name of controlling multiple departments. Also there is a lady called Madri Dasi who is their stooge. Madri created a panic among the devotees by imposing many painful rules which were at the behest of Anuradha Dasi . These rules made devotees' lives miserable and the board taking advantage of this artificially induced unhappiness had a kangaroo board meeting and ordered the removal of the trio Chitranga Chaitanya Das, Mahasundar and Jaya Rama Dasa who were in fact working very hard and complying with the board. Their lives were devastated. Jaya Rama Dasa in his meeting with the NV village association revealed all these details and also mentioned that he was shocked that his own cousin Jaya Krsna Das had plotted against him. He also said that Anuradha Dasi is very cruel and can destroy anyone’s life for power. Jay Rama das abandoned and betrayed by his own brother, left New Vrindaban for good and might never return back to the community because of the atrocities of the divine couple.


The conclusion


So here the plot is clear,  To fake a resignation of Jaya Krsna Das and then search for a  new president. After sometime they can say we never found one or even if they find one to “Fail” them ruthlessly and still have Jaya Krsna Das come back as president some time later as they did a year ago. Their plan is also if possible to have a dummy / puppet president who will simply obey Jaya Krsna and Anuradha. Meanwhile Anuradha who is in the management will hold the fort and control the bureaucracy with the help of Lakshman Poddar (Lakshamanishwara das) - another conman from Bangladesh who came to New Vrindaban on a fake Indian passport. He is literally bootlicking both Jaya Krsna and Anuradha to get their favours as his green card is pending for the past few years. Lakshman's main job is to spy on devotees in the temple and report them to Anuradha & Jay Krishna for action against them.


So how does all this affect Venkat case:


The whole goal in this game is money. It all starts with Money and ends with money. Very soon Janmastami is coming up and Jaya Krsna knows that the rich Indian donors will ask hard questions about Jaya Krsna and his involvement in the whole episode. In order to ease the situation so that donations continue to flow in, Anuradha Dasi is training the fund raisers namely Nikunja ras, Shyamarasiaka Dasi, Srirupa Das, Amita Das and Subhananda Das to say that Jaya Krsna is resigning, so please give us “Money” for Janamstami and once Janmastami is over they will work around with a dummy / puppet president or reinstall Jaya Krsna back again. In any case Anuradha Dasi and Jaya Krsna Das are the main controllers of who becomes the next president.


Can you all imagine folks both Jaya Krsna Das who forced his own wife and kid to commit suicide and Anuradha Dasi who divorced 3 husbanded and attempted to murder another lover of hers, a rather lethal and ruthless combination of minds, what good will they do to anyone. They will go any extent to play this game and fool the public. The New Vrindaban community continues and will continue to suffer more and more.


Therefore we are alerting you all here. Let's be alert and “Defund” New Vrindaban until Jaya Krsna, Gopisa, Anuttama, Anuradha dasi are made to resign from all the posts and should not have any power or decision making authority in ISKCON and these people publicly tender apology for the death and cover up of Venakatachalapati. Jaya krsna Das and Anuradha Dasi in fact should be tried for culpable homicide.

We will continue to demand resignation of the culprits and demand #justiceforvenkat
