Was it Murder or Suicide ? Jaya Krsna Das know the truth
Sorry for updating late as we are performing more research into Venkat's mysterious death. Many voices and revelations are now emerging as if it was a murder or a suicide?
Few points gathered from the reader replies and comments sent to us:
Point 1: Many friends of Venkat have written to us saying, How can someone drown in such a shallow lake? Anyone who knows even a bit how to float cannot drown in the lake. No one has drowned in the New Vrindaban lake at least in recent history. Many a times the swan boat has stopped and devotees have been swimming to pull the swan boat across the lake, no one reported any difficulty.
Point 2 : Talking about swimming in the lake, Venkat is a strong person, he is not weak. Anyone who can throw his arms and legs can easily come out of that water. Why was Anuradha (Jaya Krsna Dasa's wife and the main conspirator) eager to declare it an accidental drowning?
When they knew for several days this so-called investigation was going on, how can the death be accidental. THE REAL POINT IS ANURADHA AND JAYA KRSNA knew that this was NOT accidental... So they used all their Iskcon contacts to post that this was an accidental drowning. Look at all major Facebook releases...and it became evident from the replies people got when they tried to complain to the GBC. They used Malati, Anuttama and Rukmini (Anuttama's wife) as major faces to spread these lies.
POINT 3 : Letter from Venkat's wife.... Why was a letter from Venkat's wife supporting the theory of "Drowning used" when she knew something was wrong. As per Anuttama's letter , the investigation and counseling had been going on for several days. It's pretty clear that she knew everything and therefore had something to hide. Well It's Anuradha's planned attack in the name of drowning.
At this point when the DROWNING theory was being spread..... the divers found the body of Venkat...
POINT 4: Why NO ONE WAS allowed to see when Venkat's body was being pulled from the lake. Only the major conspirators namely the heartless, shameless, ruthless and racist Jaya Krsna Das, Conman Gopisa and their comrades in arms, a blind Anuradha supporter Malati Dasi were present and saw the body being fished out. No one else was allowed to go close. WHY WHY WHY ?????? Why was Gopisa threatening the devotees when they were trying to watch the incident from far? What were they trying to hide?
POINT 5 : Why did it take so long for the postmortem to be done? Was there something to hide? Why was the body kept for so long? What was the dealing going on? Is the POLICE investigation complete?
POINT 6: Once they found the suicide note "Why were vague words used? " instead of Suicide why?, To keep the pedal cool till people forget... Can they post the suicide note to the public?
POINT 7: Why did they use Madhava Kanti aka Laura Gonzalez and not Kommanmanchi (Venkat's wife) name as Laura "Kommanamanchi" when in the death certificate she used her name as "Laura Gonzalez", IS Kommanchi name, a name used just for convenience to fool the public and gather public sympathy.Truth is that Laura aka Madhava Kanti never changed her name after her marriage and just used Venkat's name to gain popularity and sympathy votes. The main co-conspirator in the episode is Laura Gonzalez (Madhava Kanti Devi Dasi) along with shameless wife of Jaya Krsna Das, i.e you know every well by now, the three time divorcee and murder accused ruthless Anuradha Dasi.
Point 8 : If you view the pictures of Venkat's dead body there are marks of blood on his nose and around there. Were these signs of struggle? There are no marks or scratches on his head as he was found under the boat house. If he had really struggled to save himself, he would have definitely tried to save himself. Why was he bleeding in the nose?
As far as our information based on the inputs from the devotees goes, Venkats wife used to beat him up. Laura's sister's (Anangamanjari) husband who is also known to be a bit mentally off also assisted Laura in beating up Venkat the night he died. To what extent did they beat him up, whether they killed him and then threw him into the water or did he jump to his death is a mystery. The police should investigate this in every aspect.
Point 9: If this whole investigation was going on, why was sufficient precaution not taken so as to reassure the devotee and to ensure that he was actually counseled. The truth is friends Jaya Krsna, Auradha were out to get him. Just like demons like to hunt their prey wildly before it dies, these animals like human beings prey on Venkat. Anuradha turned an already troubled relationship between Venkat and his wife to a worse one. She doesn't mind anyone getting killed or ruthlessly murdered especially if he/she is famous and rivals her and her shameless husband.
Point 10: Why were the contents of the s called suicide note hidden? Why? Why would someone glorify a demon before he recklessly jumps to his death. Only a sharp witch like mind of Anuradha could do this shameless act of turning a dying man's letter into a glorification for her shameless husband. What if Jay Krishna and Anuradha asked Venkat to write a nice and sugary letter after kicking him out of temple as a support so that he (Jay Krishna) won't get a blame if something really happens to Venkat? We were told there are CCTV cameras around the temple offices, did someone actually check the camera footage to see when Venkat last visited his office? Who were the people who accessed his office after Venkat departed?
Point 11 : Why was there such a drama made out of his final rites? When they did not even find it important to investigate the cause of his death. Why did Jaya Krsna who could not even counsel the poor guy perform his final rights? When Jay Krsna is known to have even killed his own wife and son (forced them to commit suicide) and then going around telling people that "I am divine and special".
Point 12: One of the inputs that we received from devotees in New Vrindaban is that a woman who was in-charge of Human Resources dept living close to the lake in apartments, heard a loud thumping sound in the lake as if someone threw something in the lake around 11pm in the night and all the peacocks went crazy screaming and bowling.
We demand an answer, a well knit conspiracy to hide the truth and all these culprits. We are also shocked that Anuttama is helping them every bit to escape the real punishment in trying to save them from this heinous crime, Anuttama Dasa will also meet his gory end as Karma hits everyone. Anuttama's only argument is that, Indian lives are cheap, Anuradha and Jaya Krsna are valuable to us because Indians give us money because of Jaya Krsna's master strategy and Jay Krishna is a very important ass(et) for ISKCON.
They did not pay a penny to Venkat's family. When Venkat's body was being cremated, Venkat's old parents were simply watching the phone, kissing the phone and crying. One of our teammates stood near Venkat's parents trying to console them but they won't stop crying. It was such a heartbreaking situation and it will take them hours, weeks, or even a lifetime to recover from this shock.
It is so heart wrenching to see dreaded criminals like Jaya Krsna, his wife Anuradha, roaming freely without any remorse. Venkat's wife has been wearing full makeup and has no sadness or remorse and has been enjoying Venkat's hard earned money and her new green card. People are informing us that she is simply shamelessly dressing up beautifully and going around without any remorse.
Let us raise our voice even stronger and petition with our hearts.
Lets get Justice For Venkat !
Lets get Justice For Venkat !
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