Scam Alert - New Vrindaban's money making scheme on the roll
Dear friends,
We were shocked to learn from a donor friend of New Vrindaban that New Vrindaban management sent out a donation request letter for Janmashtami Festival asking for donations for festival which will happen soon in New Vrindaban.
Sending out the donation letter is not a big deal but the contents of the letter are something that no one can ignore. The letter is from Jay Krishna Das - who supposedly resigned as the temple president of New Vrindaban still addressing as Temple president on the letter. Another shocking thing is that all the people listed on the letter to contact are the people listed as "Minister of Religion" but rather are engaged in non clergy work that is money making. They are fellow team member of Venkat working in department called Pilgrims department (formerly congregation development department) also known as the money making / fund raising department of New Vrindaban. Shame on these people to call them Minister of Religion who could not even stand for their fellow team member and speak the truth. They are representatives of Dharma but have lost their morality.
Here is a requirement criteria of Minister of Religion from US Department of State website:
To qualify for an immigrant visa as a Minister of Religion (SD-category), you must be entering the United States to work solely as a minister of your religious denomination.
As per the R-1 Nonimmigrant Religious Workers requirement of USCIS listed here:
Ministers are defined as individuals who are duly authorized by the religious denomination to which they belong, and who are fully trained according to the denomination’s standards to conduct religious worship and other duties usually performed by the clergy. The regulations do not define a uniform type of training for religious denominations. When signing the petition, the petitioner must attest that the beneficiary is qualified to perform the proposed duties of the religious occupation to be performed in the United States.
Thus its clearly evident that these devotees who call themselves as Minister of Religion are clearly engaged to raise funds via various schemes of New Vrindaban and they are not working as clergy or minister as defined by the USCIS. This clearly violates the undertaking the temple and them as religious minister took while applying for the R-1 Visa as well as applying for green-card visa special immigrant petition. As per our previous letter, Mr. Rahul Kumar Chavda - a former employee has already complained to the USCIS and challenged New Vrindaban administration that New Vrindaban is actually not engaging the R-1 workers (Religious Workers) to do religious clergy work but they engage them to do non-clergy assignments such as this one (fund raising), cashiers, running businesses and so on. This claim of Mr. Rahul Kumar is solidified by this clearly evident letter and the money schemes offered here.
The schemes / donation options mentioned in the letter are absurd as New Vrindaban will never ever ever spend that much money on any items or topics listed in the letter. For eg. Annadan or feast sponsorship: All the community residents know that they (New Vrindaban residents numbering 150-200) will only be served 5-6 standard fasting ekadasi items for the feast and no feast in the world will ever cost $11000. This is a joke !
Second scheme is the famous "mother" scheme of all schemes that is "Lifetime care for a cow" for $6501. Past donors and some members of the New Vrindaban pilgrims department have told us that mostly all the money from the COW scheme is NOT used for cows and its rather used for other purposes which no one knows. This same mega cow scheme is floated during winter months to have continuous money flowing to New Vrindaban while the cows are completely ignored and left to suffer during winter months. We challenge the New Vrindaban administration to show us the balance sheet showing all the money raised on such schemes are actually used for the cows. Jay Krishna will never even come clean.
We are further requesting our readers and donors of New Vrindaban to please think twice before falling for these schemes that benefit only Jay Krishna Das and his gang. All the hard earned money from the Indian donors is used for fighting sham court cases and paying hefty salaries of these people.
We are writing and approaching the USCIS / IRS to conduct a detailed inquiry into the immigration and financial scams that have been taking place in New Vrindaban under leadership of tainted Jay Krishna Das. Our fight continues to demand expulsion of the tainted New Vrindaban administration people who have been exploiting the poor Indian devotees ever since.
We demand #justiceforvenkat
This is very bad, we must stop this!